European Survey

The first project activity was to Map the existing situation in relation to women in the media, particular women in FILM MAKING and highlight areas of good practice. This gave the project a clearer picture of the current situation of women and their employment opportunities in the FILM MAKING sector of the creative industries.


Seven (7) professional Partner organisations from six (6) different European countries carried out a survey of the current state of play in the creative, film and television sectors. Respondents answered 31 questions on the following topics: access to information, access to networks, theoretical and practical training, and access to the labour market, glass ceiling, sexism, and reconciliation of private and professional life.


414 women (and several men) active in the audio-visual sector responded to a questionnaire that was available online for 6 weeks from January 2020. Respondents were between the ages of 18 and 50 and were beginners or professionals.


The analysis carried out showed that responders search for their information on international websites and social networks, but it seems that centralisation of information is necessary and that mentoring seems useful to meet their needs.


Reference: Analysis Questionnaire    French version: Analyse quest FR


Following a detailed analysis of the Survey results a ‘Good Practices Guide’ was produced.


Link: Good Practices Guide    French  version: Guide des bonnes pratiques FR

Bonus: interviews with inspiring directors Delphine Gleize (France) and Rinio Dragasaki (Greece)  

LinkBonus Interview   French version: Interviews_FR